
funny and not so funny moments!

So yesterday was a bang! I mean a hum dinger!! So Evan is STILL choosing wetehr or not to be potty trained. the last few days have been good however! Well yesterday Vienna decided to join the fun she stripped down ( not that uncommon these days) only this time she took off her diaper too, while I was on the phone. I knew I had a couple of minutes. i started to go on the hunt for her when I realized she was in my room. i entered just in time to catch her as she was about to fly over the side of the toilet. She had one foot in the bowl and was attempting to mount the seat for her own potty time. I helped her do it properly and then she pretended to go pee.

Then I went to help Kent out at our storage yard in the middle of nowhere with our sander for snow, when I ran out of gas. So I stayed in the creepy yard with the kids while Kent went to go get gas. The temp dropping by the minute!

Then, (yes there is more) I put the kids to bed alone while Kent goes to help his Dad build his garage. And at midnight as Kent and I are just getting to sleep We here gagging and puking! Evan is totally throwing up all over his bed! I clean up, we bathe him, get everything changed. then he come sinto our room a few minutes later, and throws up in our bed. This is no longer an isolated incident!! Kent leaves for gravol, while I clean up again!! Then I hear a familiar gagging, now from Vienna's room. She is totally throwing up all over herself and her bed! I start to clean up and get her in the bath. She stays in the bat until I get gravol in her.

BUT..... We have to get them to stop throwing up long enough for gravol to kick in!!! Vienna throws up on her new bedding, I change it again, Evan is throwing up again but at least in a bowl now. Finally gravol saves the day and at 2:30 we get back to sleep.

6 am gravol wears off and we start all over again!! Welcome to my day!

At least Seger just has a cold!


Myca said...

Oh my goodness...I am so sorry for your horrible night. I hate having a kid throwing up....I can't imagine having to deal with 2 of them! Oh by the way I have to tell you that in the picture of your family at seger's blessing...I love your hair! I love the bangs....they look so cute. YOu look so dang good!

Anonymous said...

Aw! Liz! That totally bites!!! Hopefully they're feeling better! Gee whiz... my biggest "don't wanna do it" is the thought of having to clean up my kids throw-up one day. It makes me glad in an odd way that I don't have children!

mumovearls said...

OMG we have been there before! That is the worst-hope you feel better soon-nena

Daria - Boutique Cafe said...

I've Tagged you on my personal blog -

Can't wait to learn more about you!!